The purpose of this chapter shall be to perpetuate the old American institution, the Barbershop Quartet, and to promote and encourage vocal harmony and good fellowship among its members; to encourage and promote the education of its members and the public in music appreciation; to initiate, promote and participate in charitable projects; and to promote public appreciation of barbershop harmony.
It is the purpose of SPEBSQSA, Inc., to preserve and encourage that four part, a cappella, close harmony style of music known as Barbershop! To this end, the mission of the Norfolk, Virginia Chapter is to promote public performance of four part, a cappella, harmony in the American Barbershop style by:
Striving to serve the musical needs of all current and potential members by providing and actively supporting a wide variety of barbershopping opportunities which may include organized quartetting, pick-up quartetting, chorus singing, and group or "gang" singing;
Sharing our love of Barbershop Harmony in this community, thereby perpetuating the music for the future;
Promoting vocal music education and appreciation, most particularly in schools and in our community;
Striving for excellence in all performances and competitions.
In so doing, we shall conduct ourselves in a spirit of fellowship and harmony, whereby friendship and chapter growth is encouraged.